Rejoice in His Grace

Through His Word, His Sacraments, Song, and Prayer, we rejoice in God’s Grace. 

Worship Services

Sunday Worship: 9:00 AM (Sunday School to follow)

Communion 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays.

We hope that our social distancing, mask wearing, hand washing and building air sanitizing are effective at stopping the transmission of the virus; however in the event that we must do a congregational quarantine, we will utilize Facebook Live. Anytime you are unable to join us in person, you are always welcome to join us on Facebook Live.
 You do not need to be a Facebook member to watch the service online. 

May our Lord grant us strength of faith, and protection for us, to be His witnesses.


Our Service

Each service includes hymns, confession and absolution, prayer, reading of God’s Word, a children’s message, sermon, and confession of faith. On 1st, 3rd, and 5th, Sundays, our services also include the service of communion. Our services follow a liturgical pattern.  (You can read more about the parts of the liturgy here.) We use a mix of the Lutheran Worship and other resources.

The Church Year

These special days and seasons are a means to shape sacred time, a structure in which to define what it means to be Christian and to call God’s people to reverent and faithful response to God. Easter encompasses a time of preparation (Lent; Advent for Christmas) as well as a following period of reflection on its significance for the life of God’s people (Pentecost; Epiphany for Christmas). However, while Epiphany following Christmas focuses on the mission of God’s people to the world, the Pentecost season following Easter focuses on the church as the witness to the resurrection. In anticipation of this emphasis at Pentecost, the Scripture readings during the Sundays of Easter are different, with readings from the Acts of the Apostles replacing readings from the Old Testament. This emphasizes that the church, as empowered by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, is the best witness to the resurrection and the work of God in the world in Jesus the Christ.

Church Seasons:
  • Advent
  • Christmas
  • Epiphany
  • Lent
  • Holy Week
  • Easter
  • Pentecost



The Season After Pentecost, Also Known as the Time of the Church

During the Time of the Church, the focus begins to shift from the events in Jesus’s life to further explore his teachings and what they mean for us as individuals and a church.  It is often referred to as “ordinary time”.

Seasonal Color: Green

Time of the Church Days

  • Holy Trinity
  • Second through the Twenty-seventh Sunday after Pentecost
  • Reformation
  • Last Sunday of the Church Year

Our Practice of the Sacrament of Holy Communion

Our congregation believes that Holy Communion is a gift of Christ to His Church. The apostle Paul wrote: “Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. FOr anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgement on himself.” (1 Corinthians 11:28-29, Bible Gateway" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">1 Corinthians 11:28-29) Out of loving concern for all communicants and from the Holy Scripture and our Lutheran Confessions, we request that those who commune prepare with the following questions:

  • Do I believe that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and my personal Savior?
  • Do I believe that I am a sinner in need of Christ’s love and forgiveness?
  • Have I asked God to forgive me, and trust that He does forgive me for Christ’s sake, as I hear the Savior’s words: “Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sin”?
  • Do I believe that He is personally present in the Holy Supper with His Body and Blood when I eat the bread and drink the wine?
  • Do I intend by the power of the Holy Spirit to live a godly life?

Lutherans celebrate Holy Communion as a fellowship (close) meal. Communing together is as much an individual reception of God’s forgiveness, through the real presence of Christ’s Body and Blood in the bread and wine, as it is a proclamation also of what we believe. If you have humble answered “yes” to the above questions, then come to the Lord’s Table.

If you have questions, please talk with the Pastor, an elder, or contact us via phone or email.

Non-Communing children are invited to join their parents to receive a blessing. We offer both the Common and Individual cups. For those with a sensitivity to wine, white grape juice is available in the center glasses of each tray. If you have a sensitivity to wheat, please let the Pastor, an Elder, or an Usher know so that we can accommodate your needs.

"Bringing all into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ as we ... Rejoice in his Grace, Live as God's Own Family, and Care for His World."